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How to get more followers on pinterest - 2023

 5 Simple Tips to Instantly Boost Your Pinterest Following

How many Pinterest followers do you have? Even if you answered 100, that’s still not as many as some people in the blogging world and nowhere near the likes of Michelle Phan or Bethany Mota. Building your following on Pinterest can be a slow process and seemingly impossible if you don’t know where to start, but it doesn’t have to be this way! With these five tips, you’ll be adding followers to your board left and right! Try them out today!

1) Create a Great Profile

A great profile is a must on every social media platform, so don't overlook it with Pinterest. With one that's set up correctly, you'll be able to more effectively reach your target audience and get more followers. There are some vital things you need in order for your profile to do this. 

 **Your Username** - Make sure your username includes the name of your company or at least part of it if there are multiple words. For example, if my company was called Furrkids then my username would be FurrkidsNYC. Remember that all usernames have a 25-character limit, so pick wisely! After I save the username change I immediately refresh my page and wait for the Verified status to show up next to my name. Once verified, I update my Profile Description by filling out fields like Twitter handle and website address (you can also link to your Facebook Page), uploading an avatar photo, and adding short descriptions about what we do as a company and what our mission statement is. Then comes uploading custom logos and banners. Once done with all of these steps, I publish my post.

2) Pin What Your Followers Are Interested In

The first step is figuring out what kind of pins your followers are interested in. You can do this by logging into your account and looking at which posts have the most engagement, whether that's likes, comments, or shares. Find what you want to share and make sure it's an engaging post that fits with the things you already pin!

Start off with a board about something relevant to what you're looking for pins on. Maybe you want to share cooking recipes - make a board for those types of recipes. Once it's up, set it as public so everyone can see it and get ideas from there. Pin a lot of things from around the web related to your niche onto the board and people will come crawling out of the woodwork! Trust me, I've seen it happen before. People just love to browse through other people's boards and repin their favorite posts (they usually give credit) if they find anything worth saving for later. 

And don't forget to follow others who are also in your field - maybe they'll follow you back too! 

It may seem like a lot of work at first but it becomes second nature after a while and then when you finally get enough followers to start seeing more traffic coming in? It feels like you've won the lottery.

3) Pin at the Right Time

Start by figuring out when your target audience is online. Is it in the morning, midday, or late at night? Since you have a window of time that you can pin in, save your pins for that timeframe. For example, if your target audience is mostly moms who are on Pinterest during the afternoon then around lunchtime would be an ideal time to pin. Not only will these posts get more attention since people are actually looking for pins at this point in the day but also having consistency with when you post will help build followers over time. The other aspect of timing your pins is posting when others are posting. By following other bloggers and brands in your niche, you'll know what type of content they're posting and what times they're doing so (for example, fashion bloggers usually post on Tuesdays at 2pm EST). You'll be able to find their most recent pins and decide whether or not it's a good idea to pin something similar.

4) Use Pins That Show People How To Do Something

No matter your marketing strategy, it's essential that you engage with potential customers through a platform where they are already spending time. One of the most popular places people spend their time is on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, but it may surprise you that the site with the second-highest percentage of active users aged 18-29 years old is actually Pinterest. With over 5 million new pins posted each day, this social media channel isn't going anywhere. In fact, we're experiencing a steady growth in user activity of around 25% per year. So if you haven't joined the fun yet, now's the time!

Find your niche or take cues from other well-known brands on how they promote themselves on Pinterest by finding related keywords or interests and pinning them on boards. Some good ideas for boards include Favorite Movies or Yummy Recipes. You can also create boards for special events like holidays. If you've never used Pinterest before, just think about what interests you and find some images to share. If there are certain groups that don't typically use Pinterest (like people who work in offices), make sure to include instructions on how to set up an account so they can follow your board too! You'll be surprised at how quickly followers start pouring in.

5) Create Pins That Have Plenty of Relevant Text

Lots of bloggers are using Pinterest for their business by creating and sharing their own content. When it comes to deciding what pins to create, it's important to include lots of relevant text about your pin for people in your niche. They might not care about a picture of strawberries if they're on a diet, but if you include recipes with strawberries or information about how these healthy berries can make them feel better, they'll be much more likely to give you a follow. Plus, the words help pinners save on pin-sharing time! If they want to see more content from you, they don't have to navigate away from your board because they already know all the topics covered there. All You Need is a Catchy Name: In order to stand out among other users' boards, your name needs to be catchy and easy for people to remember. Be sure that it includes something about who you are (like DIY Clothing Ideas) so that potential followers know what kind of content you have.


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