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The Best Time to Post on Instagram

The Best Time to Post on Instagram for Maximum Engagement

When you have an Instagram account, you may be looking to attract more followers or gain more engagement from your current followers, but it can be tricky to figure out what kind of content to post and when to post it. Luckily, there are certain times during the day that are better than others for posting content on Instagram that will receive more engagement from your followers and help you to gain more followers as well. Here’s the best time to post on Instagram for maximum engagement.

  • What Is the Best Time to Post on Instagram?

Engagement rate, likes, comments, and new followers all depend on when you post. If you want maximum engagement, it's best to post your images during the workweek. For example, the best time to post from Monday through Friday is between 7am-9am EST and 5pm-7pm EST. These are prime times for people to look at their phones and engage with other users. 

A good rule of thumb is posting in the early morning or late evening hours because that's when people are scrolling through their feeds. You'll also have an opportunity to get your content in front of more people if they're using their phones as they commute home or settle into bed at night. When deciding which day of the week to post, consider what day would be most convenient for your audience. By keeping them in mind while thinking about the perfect time to post, you can make sure you're getting the most out of your posts.

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  • What Are the Best Times to Post?

The best time to post depends on the type of content you are posting. Some people prefer more targeted marketing, while others opt for general exposure. To gain optimal exposure, it is important to post often, but you don't want to saturate your followers. Posting at the following times will help spread your message and get engagement:

* 10 a.m.: Most popular time for posts. * 11 a.m.: Less competition than 10 a.m., but still in prime morning hours when people are checking their phones or computers after waking up.

  • Best Times to Post On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Typically, the best time to post an Instagram photo is between 8 and 10 AM. However, this can vary if you have a large following. With a smaller following, it might be better to post later in the day when your followers are most active. If you're unsure of when your followers are online, we recommend checking out your account's insights (pictured below). When hovering over any day of the week in the Engagements tab, it will show you what time on which that particular day yielded the most engagement. The best days to post an Instagram photo are as follows: Tuesday between 1 PM and 3 PM; Wednesday at 11 AM; Thursday at 5 PM.

  • Best Times To Use Instagram  (Updated)

We live in a world where it's easy to measure attention spans and the best time to post is based on how many people are looking at their phones or scrolling. Even though we live in a digital world, there are still moments that move people from behind their screens. These 'special moments' happen throughout the day and can be used as an opportunity for increased engagement. In fact, Instagram posts around these special moments see about 20% more engagement than usual! It's also worth noting that pictures with faces perform better than those without. If you're trying to get your brand out there, think about posting content during these peak times when people will be most engaged: 

  1. Monday at 8am - early morning coffee drinkers 
  2. Tuesday at 7pm - after work drinks 
  3. Wednesday 8am - morning meeting coffees 
  4. Thursday 10pm - late-night snacks

  • How to Find Out When Your Followers Are Most Active?

1. Log into your account and scroll down to your Activity page. This is a breakdown of what you've been posting and when you posted it. It also shows when the most engagement happened with those posts, which can be useful in learning what time of day you should post your content if you want maximum engagement. 2. Scroll back up and go back to the Home tab (it's next to the profile picture). Tap Add Friends at the top of the screen and start typing in a username or business name, being sure not to include any characters that aren't letters or numbers. When you find the person or company you're looking for, tap their username or photo to add them as a friend. Now that they're friends with you, take note of their Activity feed by scrolling through their photos and videos. You'll see how often they post photos and videos on Instagram - this will give you an idea of how often to post yours as well.

  • Which Networks Should I Use To Reach Specific Audiences?

Each social media site has a unique user demographic and audience, so post accordingly. On Twitter, you'll most likely get more engagement by tweeting less than you would on Facebook or Instagram. Be careful about posting too much there because posts that sit in your profile's recent feed are often ignored, even if they're from a celebrity. Plus, the site is limited to 140 characters per tweet. Facebook users have a longer attention span and like photos of friends, family, and vacations the best. On Instagram, however, people love candid shots with no filter and emotional captions that showcase their personalities. In order to reach the most people possible with your post make sure it works for all three networks: Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. There are four steps to deciding which networks work best for each post: First, ask yourself what type of content do I want to share? If you want to share a picture of your dog having fun at the beach, then go ahead and post that photo on Instagram and also mention it in an update on Facebook. If you're looking for tips on saving money when traveling abroad next summer, then use Twitter as your platform since many people there will be interested in receiving travel advice updates. You might also want to use Pinterest boards as an extension of this blog topic if you already enjoy sharing vacation photos with followers. 


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